Mak Dominique - a Creative & Image director known as @onlymakmill on Instagram. Mak creates fashion based content putting together unique and creative looks throughout his feed. Straying away from more of the trending hype-beast styled garments, Mak paves his own way inspired solely by family, expression and fantasy.

Location : Stuttgart, Germany
LS: Have you always been into fashion or rather something that grew with you through time?
MD: From a young age I was always interested in Art, Photography as well as Architecture. It was in 2013 where I decided to create an Instagram account and start posting images of myself in the clothing that I like.
"Fashion has the power to make you feel"

Location : Munich, Germany
LS: What inspires your sense of style and the way in which you put together the looks to post to your feed?
MD: For me my Mom is a big part in everything that I do, alongside that i'm also really inspired by nature simply because its a place where I can feel completely free and I can be myself.
Instagram: @makmill

Location: Engelberg, Switzerland
LS :Quite often fashion means different things to different people, what does it mean to yourself?
MD: For me fashion is so much more than just clothing I see fashion as Art, Fantasy and a form of self expression. Fashion has the power to make you feel something.
LS: Your outfits always seem to match your shooting locations, is this something you do intentionally?
MD: Not really, to be honest I usually style myself based upon the mood i'm in or how i'm feeling..

Location: Stuttgart, Germany
LS: How structured is your creative process when shooting your content?
MD: I don't really like planning too much or having some sort of board to plan. For me its always better to go with a freestyle approach and have that feeling of being free.
"Don't let someone change who you are to become what they need"

LS: Around the globe different places adopt
different styles, do you feel your surroundings
have shaped the way you style yourself?
MD: I would say no mainly because most people around here wear more designer clothing and go for the more 'hype' items that are trending.
LS: Finally, what advice would you give to other creators coming up wanting to translate their fashion sense over social?
MD: Be yourself, stop trying to be someone else and wear whatever you like and everything you want. Don't let someone change who you are to become what they need.
You can view more work from Mak over on his Instagram linked below: